Minggu, 07 Februari 2010

Sura 17 Al Kahf


1. Praise be to Allah, Who had Sent to his Servant the book ( Al-Quran ), and had Allowed therein no crookedness.

10. Behold, the youths betook themselves to the cave.They said:" Our Lord! Bestow on us Mercy from Thyself, and Dispose of our affairs for us in the right way!"

11. Then We Draw ( a veil ) over their ears, for a number of years, in the cave ( so that they heard not )

12. Than We Roused them in order to Test which of the two parties was best in calculating the term of years they had tarried.

13. We Relate to thee their story in truth: they were youths who believed in their Lord, and We Advance them in Guidance.

14 We Gave Strength to their hearts. Behold they stood up and said: " Our Lord is the Lord of the heaven and of the earth: Never shall we call upon any god other than Him

18. You would have deemed them awake, while they were asleep, and We Turned them on their right and their left sides, their dogs stretching forth his two fore legs on the threshold. If you have come up on to them, you would have certainly turn back from them in flight, and would certanly filled with terror of them.

19. We Raised them up from sleep that they might question each other how long they had stayed there. They thought that they had stayed there a day or a part of a day.
One of them went to town for buying some food

21. God did made the case known to the people that they might know that the Promise of God was true. And that there could be no doubt about the hour of judgment.

22. Some say that they were three, some say five, some say seven and a dog. God Knew best their number.

23. Nor say of anything " I shall besure to do so and so tomorrow "

24. Without saying : " So Please Allah! "

25. God Told us that they stayed in their cave three hundred years add nine more.


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